Call Us At : (713) 904-4811

Owner: Harris-Waller Counties Municipal Utility District No. 5

Engineer: Quiddity

Notice To Proceed: 02/22/2022

Expected Completion Date: 09/14/2022

Completion Date: 06/20/2023

Contract Amount: $1,220,628.99

Description of Work:

Ten foot (10’) diameter cast-in-place concrete wet well, wet well vent and bollards; two (2) submersible pumps with guide rails, piping, fittings, valves, pipe supports, and pump lifting chains; on-site concrete access driveway; diesel generator, with sub-base fuel tank and slab; service rack and control panel with slab; eight foot (8’) brick fence with sliding/swing gate and pedestrian gate; water service line, backflow preventer and hose bibb; junction manhole and influent sewer lines; all electrical facilities including junction boxes, autodialer, floats, transducer, conduits and conductors; and all else necessary for a complete and functioning lift station.


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