Specializing in water/wastewater and heavy civil construction.
Changing the Game for Contractors in Texas
The construction industry is facing a significant shift in the United States right now. The current workforce is aging out, making room for a new generation of laborers. Unfortunately, this is also creating a shortage of skilled labor available to perform the necessary work.
At ZeusCon, we know and understand that the construction industry is currently underserved. Businesses are struggling to acquire and maintain top talent. We aim to change this perspective by growing and investing in our employees, giving them a career worth bragging about!
A safe worksite is our number one priority. We strive to ensure all parties go home safe each night
We’re committed to giving our employees the tools, technique, and training needed to solve all of our client’s challenges & meet or exceed their expectations.
We strive to be a well-respected industry leader, utilizing innovative techniques that lead to efficient processes.
Serving the Lone Star State
General Contractor, providing services in water/wastewater, underground utilities to support our community’s infrastructure.
Our team can orchestrate all the work required to bring a project to a success. We proudly maintain relationships with our local suppliers and subcontractors. Together we overcome any and all challenges we encounter.
At ZeusCon, we strive for excellence. We value our name and reputation above all else. We look to influence our community in a positive manner, and ensure that all vested parties safely return home to their families each night.

Zeus Con
Mailing Address
3555 Timmons Lane
Suite 715
Houston, TX 77027